Contact us

Alternatives Counseling Associates

Address: 2002 Oak St. Chattanooga, TN 37404

Phone: (423) 624-8535

Fax: (423) 624-8608

Hours of operation

Tuesday: 9:00am - 10:30pm

Wednesday: 9:00am - 10:30pm

Thursday: 9:00am - 10:30pm

Other hours available by appointment


Directions to the House of Hope:


  1. Go North on 1-75, West on I-24.

  2. Take Germantown Road Exit and then turn right on Germantown Rd.

  3. Turn left onto Brainerd Rd.

  4. Go through the tunnel and keep to the right onto McCallie Ave.

  5. Turn right onto Willow Ave and then immediately left onto Oak St.

  6. Come up the hill to the fourth house on the left to 2002 Oak St.



  1. Go East on 1-24 to the Germantown Road Exit.

  2. Turn left onto Germantown Rd and then turn left onto Brainerd Rd.

  3. Go through the tunnel and keep to the right onto McCallie Ave.

  4. Turn right onto Willow Ave and then immediately left onto Oak St.

  5. Come up the hill to the fourth house on the left to 2002 Oak St.


  1. Go South on I-75, West on I-24.

  2. Take Germantown road exit.

  3. Then turn right on Germantown Rd.

  4. Turn left onto Brainerd Rd.

  5. Go through the tunnel and keep to the right onto McCallie Ave.

  6. Turn right onto Willow Ave and then immediately left onto Oak St.

  7. Come up the hill to the fourth house on the left to 2002 Oak St.



  1. Take Martin Luther King Blvd. towards the East through town.

  2. At Central Ave, M.L.K. becomes Bailey Ave.

  3. Continue East, turn left on Willow Ave.

  4. Continue 4 blocks and turn left onto Oak St.

  5. Come up the hill to the fourth house on the left to 2002 Oak St.

New Patient Form

Please fill out and return to Alternatives Counseling Associates at 2002 Oak St, Chattanooga, TN 37404

Click the link below to download the 2-page new patient paperwork.

If you have any questions, please call us at 423-624-8535